Intego Systems, Inc. is proud to introduce the next generation of nurse call – the ProNet® Nurse Call System.
ProNet.net® is the most comprehensive system of its kind on the market today. It is designed to improve staff productivity by eliminating unnecessary tasks and wasted time from their work load. ProNet.net® is a Windows® client-server based Nurse Call system with the scalability to fit any size healthcare facility.
This Windows® client – server based platform is specifically designed to increase the ease and functionality in which hospital personnel interact with patients. The ProNet® solution incorporates a web-based interface, digitally enhanced audio, and a pluggable server architecture. The result is a system that streamlines communication between the patient and the hospital staff, leading to faster response times, higher quality personal care and greater patient satisfaction. The ProNet® system is able to categorize patient requests and direct those requests to the appropriate staff members. By integrating communications (i.e. wireless phones and pagers), the hospital staff is able to respond to the patient requests more quickly, efficiently and effectively. Each patient request, and corresponding staff response, is recorded in a database for future reference. This information can be extremely valuable for planning, staffing and risk management purposes.
The software adds Microsoft Windows.Net technology and flexibility to nurse call. Custom interfaces can be developed to negate the need for 3rd party middleware. Compatibility with other software solutions becomes easier, facility customization for system setup and reporting expands exponentially. Hospital administration is enabled to stay better informed using web based reporting with real-time data, available from any PC on the facilities network with the appropriate security password. By integrating ProNet® with the MedTrac® smart locating system, ReportLink ™ browser-based reporting and other Intego .net applications Intego clients can streamline communication between their patients and hospital staff. These unrivaled features lead to faster response times, higher patient quality of care and greater patient satisfaction. All of this has been done with complete backward capatibility; ProNet® software is compatible with the last generation Medlink® 3000® product line.
Positive Outcomes:
- • More efficient use of hospital resources
- • Reduction in overall costs associated with patient care
- • Improvements in overall level of patient care and satisfaction
- • Access to up-to-date information enables hospital administration to stay better informed, leading to an improved decision-making process.
Additional Features:
- • Role based system with roles defined by the facility
- • Workflows fully customizable
- • MS Windows® XP Call Answer Stations (CAT) with digital full duplex audio
- • SQL Database
- • Web Based reporting with customizable reports (statistical and graphical formats)
- • Web Based messaging to radio pagers, wireless phones and messaging devices
- • Web Based Real time locating of assets (staff, equipment, etc.)
- • HL7 data compatible